One of the most difficult parts of getting older is the loss of friends. But there is always time to meet new people and make new friends, especially for seniors in assisted...
Countryside News & Blog
How to Know When It’s Time to Move to Assisted Living
Navigating aging can be difficult for seniors and their families as time takes its toll. Even the most healthy and active seniors can reach a point in their lives when they need...
5 Great Reasons to Age in Place at an Independent Living Community
Independent living is an excellent alternative for seniors who want the freedom to do as they please without all the responsibilities of home maintenance. It’s also the perfect...
Positive News About Senior Living Communities During Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, worldwide, but for seniors, it was especially scary. From the media coverage of early outbreaks in senior living...
Dealing with Social Anxiety in a COVID World
The pandemic has been a difficult, often stressful time for many seniors, but as restrictions begin to ease and cases go up, some may also now be feeling anxiety about being...
Senior Health: You and Your Medications
According to, U.S. seniors take more medications (including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and supplements) than any other population group. Since seniors’...
Independent Living or Assisted Living: Which is the best choice for you?
Senior living has come a long way in the past several decades and today there are more choices than ever before. But that can make the decision more confusing for seniors unless...
Independent Living Downsizing Checklist for Seniors Planning to Move
Preparing for a move to an independent living community may seem overwhelming. But it can also be a great time to downsize and sort through closets, basements and attics so that...
Senior Health: Best Diets for Longevity
Living a long and happy life is a universal human goal, but one that requires a little work to achieve. Recently, the spotlight has been on areas of the world known as Blue...
Senior Health: The Physical and Emotional Benefits of a Daily Walk
Walking is, for many seniors, a part of everyday living. A walk in the woods, a walk around town, a walk through the senior community, walking is an easy and even entertaining...
What to Do If Your Parent Refuses to Move into Senior Living
For many seniors, the suggestion that they move to a senior living community may be an unwelcome one. They may equate a senior living community with the “nursing homes” of their...
Senior Health: 5 Reasons Not to Ignore Loneliness
Everyone has been isolated to some degree over the past year, but for many seniors, it has been especially hard. Being separated from friends and family has brought about intense...