Countryside News & Blog

5 Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe and Enjoy Summer

5 Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe and Enjoy Summer

Ahh … summertime! Sunshine, blue skies and yes … COVID-19 are here. But there are plenty of ways to safely enjoy our beautiful Michigan summer with just a little vigilance and...

Why Diversity is Important No Matter Our Age

Why Diversity is Important No Matter Our Age

Diversity plays an amazing role in life. It can expand our own small corner of the planet beyond what we could personally experience. Take a moment to consider all the unique...

5 Benefits of Artistic Expression for Seniors

5 Benefits of Artistic Expression for Seniors

While most of us appreciate the beauty that art adds to our lives, it often remained in the background while we were busy with careers and raising children. Fortunately,...

10 Ideas Seniors Can Practice for Brain Health

10 Ideas Seniors Can Practice for Brain Health

As we remain at home during COVID-19, this could be the perfect time to concentrate on your brain health. Habits formed now will help integrate these exercises into your future...

A Roundup of Resources to Battle Boredom

A Roundup of Resources to Battle Boredom

There are many ways for seniors to stay busy, feel good and keep smiling that will make the hours melt away during these long days. Take a look at some of the innovative and fun...

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