Crystal Caldwell, Director of Countryside Retirement and Shelly Keinath, Manager of the Grand, Assisted Living tells us how to help people take the first steps in choosing...
Countryside News & Blog
How to Support Your Aging Parents Financially and Emotionally
As your parents age, they may start to feel more disconnected – less in touch with the world around them and even the people they love. They might have trouble remembering your...
When is Home Care the Best Option for Seniors?
Naturally, most seniors want to stay in their homes as long as possible. It’s where they’re comfortable, where they feel most at ease and where their loved ones can easily visit,...
Senior Living: How to Keep Track of Meds to Prevent Errors & Helpful Tips
For most seniors, taking medication is just a regular part of daily life. In fact, statistics show that nearly 90 percent of aging adults take a least one prescription medication...
Winter Hobbies for Seniors: How to Keep Your Mind Sharp this Season
It’s easy to get bored in the winter. With snow on the ground and a chill in the air, you can’t get out much – and it might start to feel like your home is a prison. How many TV...
National Soup Month: Everything You Need to Know
Love warming up with a bowl of soup during the cold winter months? Then you’re in luck. It’s National Soup Month, and in honor, we’ve rounded up all our favorite soup cooking,...
Fighting Winter Depression
Amount 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder – a sadness and depression that sets in around wintertime. It’s no surprise it’s so prevalent, either. As the...
Quick and Easy Holiday Baking
From wrapping presents to trimming the tree, there’s a lot to do during the holidays. Add in cooking a huge holiday meal – plus desserts, and it can be enough to make your head...
Ganton Rehab Frequently Asked Questions
Surgery in the hospital then on to rehabilitation. It can be a whirlwind for you and your family. The following list of Ganton Rehab frequently asked questions should help you...
Living with Arthritis – Easing the Pain of Daily Life
If you’re an arthritis sufferer, you live with constant pain – pain that keeps you up, holds you back and impacts your life on a daily, minute-by-minute basis. Though certain...
Winter Fall Prevention: Protecting Your Aging Loved One from Injury this Season
The winter’s in full force here in Michigan, and while it might be uncomfortable and a little disheartening, there’s something much worse at the works: physical danger. With the...
Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s – And What to Do Next
Being able to recognize the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease can be life-saving for an aging loved one – especially if they live alone. Not only can you keep them from hurting...