Countryside News & Blog

Heart-Smart Summer Recipes from the Garden

Heart-Smart Summer Recipes from the Garden

One of the best things about summer is fresh food from gardens and farms. Even if you’re not a gardener, you can get home-grown fruits and veggies from farmers markets and...

Memory Loss and Memory Care Guide

Memory Loss and Memory Care Guide

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide, 47 million people are living with dementia. There are about 10 million new cases every year. By 2030, that number is...

10 Summer Activities for Seniors With Dementia

10 Summer Activities for Seniors With Dementia

Having dementia or related diseases can make enjoying life a challenge. But even when someone is losing their memory, they can still enjoy the beauty of summer. In fact, getting...

Communicating When Your Loved One Has Dementia

Communicating When Your Loved One Has Dementia

One of the first signs of dementia is the loss of normal communication abilities. It may begin slowly but as the symptoms persist, communication will become more difficult....

The Importance of Early Dementia Diagnosis

The Importance of Early Dementia Diagnosis

The first time you notice a change in your or a loved one’s behavior — perhaps an inability to recall recent conversations or find the right words — you will likely chalk it up...

FOX 47: Fun & Friends at Countryside

FOX 47: Fun & Friends at Countryside

Crystal Caldwell, Director of Retirement Services, Ashley Finerty, Life Enrichment Coordinator, talk about some of the social opportunities available to the residents of...

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